Saturday, February 28, 2009

" Shave and a Haircut"

February 28th 2009
Well today the owner of Down on the Farm Inc. decided it was time to do a "spring clean up"
or another words give me a shave and a haircut. Of course if your in Minnesota right now
I heard that you folks just got a whopping 9 inchds of that fluffy stuff that I really don't miss!!
( By the way today was 92 degree's!!!) So as you can understand I really need to get rid of my
"winter" hair due to the fact that it is getting a tad bit warm! When I was younger I used to be able to "shed" my hair very easily, but as I grown old ( psssss...... don't tell everyone but I am
31!) I have developed a disease called "Cushing's". It can be quite common in us older equines
and one of the problems is that we don't shed our winter coats very well anymore, so it's really
nice if someone helps us out a little to get rid the the "itchy, scratchy, extra long hair". So with
clippers in hand the task begins. WOW !!! I have so much hair, and we barely even started.
My face was the first to get a good trim, then after my face we worked on my legs..... finally I was so happy to have my belly clipped. Whew ...... that felt so good! I still have tons more
hair to shed out but this sure helps me with these warm days in Texas!!
Till next time ,
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