Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer is Over ~!~

Wow where has the time gone? I have been so busy that I totally forgot about blogging to share
whats been going on at Down on the Farm Inc. I spose you think that being a pony thats supposed to be retired would have all the time in the world, but I have managed to keep my self
busy just hang'n in the pasture and chatting with all my friends, and of course munching on that
good green grass!
Although this summer has been really dry and the owner had to buy us hay most of the summer
to keep us fed and happy. Usually we get a choice of 4 square bales to pick from. I overheard
that is cost's $200.00 a week to feed us! Whew........ thats a nice chunk of change. At least for now most of us are still working and bringing in income so that the owner can afford to keep
feeding us. Rumor has it though come late fall some of us are going to have to leave cause its to
expensive to feed us.
I hope that I wont be the one that gets picked....... I love living at Down on the Farm Inc. cause
everyone loves me and takes special care of me cause I am getting so old. I hope that I get
to head south again for the winter, that was a sweat deal! No cold, snow, ice, shivering,
it was awesome.
I still am getting my winter hair and how strange! I am getting a curly, wavy, fur coat!
I think it has to do with how old I am getting to be. I will be 32 this year and in case you
did'nt know thats really old for a pony. Ahhh but I have had so many fond memories of teaching kids to ride. I have to admit its been alot of fun.
I have been working a little lately, once again this fall I am at the apple orchard, walking in
circles on the "pony wheel". Last week end it wast all that busy so I got to stand and watch
all my friends work instead. (Sorry pals, but better you than me)
Well hope you keep reading about my thoughts and ideas
Haaaaay .......... till next time